Dogwood Design

About Dogwood Designs
Dogwood Designs is a regional Custom Sign Maker, operated and owned by Joan Roseberry and staff. They design and produce logos, marquee signs, stencil lettering on doors, and landmark signs for Business Parks, Banks (Bank of America in particular), and Shopping Centers through out North and South Carolina.

Work Done
Dogwood Designs, being a small enterprise, has no permanent IT staff. Sai Tech was called upon for technical support for network and system administration.

Typical services include phone evaluations of acute problems to trouble shoot those that can be fixed in a timely manner by walking the client through the process or to recommend appropriate servicing, including onsite visits. Dogwood Designs recently underwent Memory Upgrades and System Re-builds on all of their equipment to correct a software corruption problem, created prior to taking over their account, which was causing the system to lock up while performing.

After going over the procedures for backing up all of the clients data we proceeded to do a Format and Reinstall of the Operating System and Software including proprietary programs. Due to our quick response time we were able to have the Client up and running in a short few hours.

Included in our assessment was a system for reducing hardware expenditures, increasing utilization of existing equipment, and optimizing network administration. We also perform training on various hardware and software systems to increase office efficiency.

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