Gulrukh Bala

Heartlight – The Art of Exceptional Living
Gulrukh Bala is a holistic psychiatrist, integrated medicine practitioner, lifestyle consultant, therapist, spiritual counselor. & workshop
leader. Having over a decade of successful experience, she is recognized internationally for her command of theoretical, practical and
creative issues related to holistic lifestyle and supernatural phenomena, including the creation of original techniques & presentations.
She has dynamic interpersonal skills with the ability to intuit and access information at a higher level of consciousness. She has a PhD in Integerated Medicine. Her publications, CDs & regular articles have made a positive impact on lives across the globe. She is a Social Volunteer and Counselor. She conducts guided meditations for all ages, every weekend. She has an extensive library for empowerment studies.

Why was the product developed?
To provide a complete website that gives you proper details regarding Heartlight, the workshops conducted and also about Dr. Gulrukh Bala. The aim is to mark an online presence of Heartlight and also to keep the visitors informed about the various events and seminars.

How was the product developed?
The above project was developed using the following technology:
  • Microsoft Active Server Pages 3.0
  • Java Script
  • HTML
  • SQL Server 2000
  • Windows 2000 Server
  • CDONTS – Mail Component
  • Internet Information Server 5.0

Value Proposition
The value additions to this site are

  • The contact section would allow the visitor to mention their workshop of interest and the comments on the same along with details of the visitor would be mailed to Dr. Gulrukh Bala.

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