Hazon Eli

About Hazon Eli
Hazon Eli -Vision of my God, A foundation for Jewish Life in India, is a recent organization started by conscious Jewish leaders to foster a spiritual environment for education. Dedicated to the preserving of traditional values to build a God-fearing community, it strives to create a generation that will be well informed about its rich heritage and at the same time trained to be modern in its outlook. This innovative mission to integrate the wisdom of the old with scientific and modern thinking is the need of our times.

Spearheading this organization is the dynamic leadership of the religious teacher Rabbi Joshua Ezra Kolet, an Indian who completed his graduation in Botany and then decided to study Judaism in depth. He has been one of the few individuals who went to study Theology in Jerusalem for a period of Seven years and has returned to his homeland India with ordination as a Rabbi – a spiritual Guide, to serve the Indian Jewish community.

The community of the Bene Israel Jews of Maharashtra is originally from the Konkan and has their presence there for more than Two Thousand years. It was here that the amalgamation of two very rich cultures – The Indian and the Hebrew took place to give birth to a unique blend of their own Ethnicity. This beautiful integration is a unique characteristic of the Indian Jew and a Cultural Heritage of India. An important mission of our organization is to preserve these unique Indian Jewish traditions and popularize them.

Why was the product developed?
The goal of the product is to give an identity to the Hazon eli - vision of god, A foundation for Jewish life in India. This is a recent organization started by the conscious Jewish leaders to foster a spiritual environment for education.

The cd cover and the casette cover is produced to showcase different volumes of the Bene Israel Prayers.

How was the product developed?

The above project was developed using the following technology:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Corel Draw 9

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