Nissim Moses

About the client
Mr. Moses is the President & Co-Founder of the Liaison Affairs office of Israel Aircraft Industries in India. He has been an active member of the Jewish community in New Delhi (India) and has been working over welfare and progress of the Indian Jewish community in general.

Why was the product developed?
The goal of the project is to establish a cultural history backup of the Bene-Israel Community & develop the foundations of an integrated communal Family tree. The Bene Israel community, being over 2000 years old, has members who are spread across the entire world. This project serves to tell their story and provide a valuable reference that can be passed down from generation to generation.

This will be achieved by publishing a set of 5 Multimedia CDs. Each CD would be working independently and the content would be broadly divided as follows:

  • The Bene-Israel of India - This would be a multimedia presentation of the history of their coming to India and their integration into Indian culture and society.
  • Bene-Israel Family Tree - This would contain a Family Tree software allowing for a searchable database that members and friends of the community can utilize to learn about past and present members and do important geaneological research.
  • Bene-Israel Recipe and Cuisine - This would be a multimedia compilation of the unique and sought after foods and recipes of this unique Jewish subculture.
  • Bene-Israel Prayers tunes and Melodies - This would be an Audio Compilation of the more common and obscure prayers that have bound the Bene Israel to their Jewish Heritage.
  • Travelers to the Bene-Israel Communities in India - Multimedia would document the visits of members of international community in general and the Jewish community in particular to the Bene Israel of India.

How was the project developed?
The product was developed using the following technologies:

  • MacroMedia Director MX
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • MacroMedia Flash
  • Microsoft Access 2000
  • Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
  • COM / DCOM

Value Proposition
This project will help to publish an electronic composition of complete information about the origin, life and culture of the Bene-Israel community in India. Sai Tech Ventures, LLC was chosen to develop this project because of their international business exposure, previous record of quality graphic design and solid software development services, as well as past work for members of the Bene Israel community.

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