Premier Trading, LLC

About Premier Trading Co., LLC.
Premier Trading Co., LLC is in the business of providing chemical products, materials and other components for various industries, including textile, leather and paper. Based in the USA, our geographic reach is worldwide, specializing in Latin American countries from Mexico and South America. We sell raw materials, equipment and finished products and articles in every country where we operate. Through our unique network, we are able to determine and satisfy our customers’ needs, as well as provide vital after-sales technical service. We put buyers and sellers together through our unique personal contacts, and ensure the customers are always satisfied with the products they get. For this reason, we deal only with well-established Companies of sound reputation.

In our trading operation, we do not usually buy the products we sell, but actually out the supplier and customer in touch, with a margin for us once the supplier gets paid. In our buy/resale operation, we buy various types of products for our customers, and then ship them in the quantities and frequency specified.

We specialize in those products that are difficult to get, and invite your inquiries for any type of chemical you have trouble finding from any source, and we promise a response within 48 hours. Please also consider our unique scouting capabilities for finding used equipment for textile processing and laboratories, you will like the results!

In the textile industry, we promote a full line of textile auxiliaries for various steps in the processing of fabrics and industrial washing of garments. A list of all the product categories can be found in the following pages. We also represent manufacturers of dyestuffs for the processing of all kinds of fibers.

For the leather industry, we carry a full line of auxiliaries and dyes to go into the tanning process.

For the paper industry, our offerings are specialty chemicals that go into the production and processing of pulp and paper products.

Value Proposition
The underlying philosophy behind our Company is to make this world a better place. This means we strive to promote environmentally friendly products and technologies, as well as not resting until our customers are truly delighted with our interventions. We are always learning from everybody we deal with, and everyone should be somewhat changed after interfacing with us. We want to bring people together and contribute towards improving our quality of life.

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