COEM – Center of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

COEM: Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, is a medical center established in 1978, and has an envious record for treating patients with care.

The Center for Occupational & Environmental Medicine specializes in treating patients with environmentally triggered health problems, as well as chemical injuries. A comprehensive program is developed for the management of these environmentally triggered diseases, including common airborne sensitivities to pollens, dust, molds, and animal dangers -- as well as occupational and non-occupational environmental injuries and diseases.

Why was the product developed?
COEM: Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, is a medical center established in 1978, and has an envious record for treating patients with care.

  • COEM needed a unique web-presence to showcase itself and be able to communicate with patients and sell its products online.
  • COEM required its existing patients and potential patients to know about the different Environmental medicine and other services provided by COEM. It needed to maintain a point of contact with the staff at COEM and the staff is able to manage a patient as per the requirements and needs of a Patient.
  • COEM required that most of their content be managed by an administering module by its own staff and have it periodically updated with more and more information to be delivered to its patients.
  • COEM required an effective management system to manage its Patients and be able to assist them as and when required.
  • Effective Time Management system was needed to help Physicians to maintain appointments and follow up on a day to day basis.
  • Staff Management, Payroll, Inventory Control and Reports were to be maintained and designed for information purpose.

What is the product?
After analyzing and studying the business process and the requirements of COEM, we developed the project having the different modules and solving majority of its issues:
COEM web site has been designed and developed into two components:

  • Online Web site with a user friendly interface having an Administration module.
    *Developed a user friendly website for COEM, showcasing all its products, staff, educational materials and providing updates on a daily basis.
    *As, per the requirement a Patient Profile Management module was developed where by the staff could track an existing and a new registered patient on the site as well as off the site.
    *Online Payment gateway and Orders Processing module to allow registered patients to purchase books and other laboratory materials
    *Users could browse information on the site as per their convenience and their access rights provided as per their profile.
    *Content Management module was designed for daily updates to be reflected on the site.
    *An Administration module where in the Web Administrator could decide what’s appearing on relevant pages, create administrators, upload information regularly without affecting the layout of the site and existing details
  • Design of an Internet / Intranet based application called “Medical Wizard was developed for effective Patient Management and Staff Management for Administrators at the Center.
    * An Online Time Management system was designed to schedule appointments with patients and maintain a collaborated record of all the discussions and appointments between the physician and the patients, the staff and the patients, the staff and management group.
    *An Online Reporting module was designed to allow Management Executives and Administrators to have information about the staff and patients at their finger tips.
    * Online HR, Inventory and Order processing system is been implemented to keep track of orders, staff productivity and thereby generate payroll as per the working schedule of the entire staff.

How was the product developed?
The entire project was developed using Microsoft Suite of Technology:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
  • Microsoft Active Server Pages 3.0
  • Java Script
  • HTML
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000
  • Windows 2000 Server
  • Internet Information Server 5.0
  • Index Server
  • Implementation of SSL, for secured E-Commerce transactions

Value Proposition

  • This site benefited the end user as it provided enormous environmental medicinal knowledge via periodical newsletters and information being updated on a continuous basis.
  • Increased the productivity of the staff by being able to manage its time and effectively be able to update content, since a lay person without technical know–how could update content on the site
  • With the design and implementation of Patient Profile Management module, users could access and order various medical tests being approved by the Physician itself, books and periodicals at their convenience.
  • COEM, successfully advertise themselves on the net by providing information via Newsletters and HTML based email letters giving them an edge over their competitors.
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