Real Estate Development

About Real Estate Development Brokerage (RED)
Real Estate Development Brokerage is a new Real Estate Development organization, operated and owned by Rob Hord and staff. They do Site Designation, Design, and Development of Shopping Centers and Multi-Use Properties through out North and South Carolina.

Work Done
Real Estate Development Partners (RED), being a small enterprise, has no permanent IT staff. Sai Tech was called upon for technical support for network and system administration.

RED was referred to Sai Tech by another client because an operating system became corrupted due to unknown reasons. After analyzing the problem it was determined that the system would have to be formatted and have all of the information reinstalled. After going over the back up procedures with the client, a full back up and procedures for future back ups is in place and they are working at normal capacity again.

As the business grows RED has asked Sai Tech Ventures, LLC to provide them with insight as to the proper hardware and software purchases, system design, and proper operation procedures.

RED has engaged Sai Tech to work with them on creating an E-Commerce website for the promotion of their services as well as sale of commercial real estate intelligence reports. They are also taking advantage of the enterprise applications that Sai Tech has for the real estate vertical in future phases of their business development.

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